The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016:The Hanged Man

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As the seekers approach, the hanged man’s eyes snap open.

Hanged man: I have come to understand that the Multiverse is more complex and vast than I am able to comprehend; and that the knowledge I seek is not to be found in the physical, mental, or emotional realms.

I must set myself apart from everyday life, still my body, mind, and emotions, and seek the realm of spirit.

I have faith that the Multiverse has a plan for me and that, in time, it will help me to understand it.

And so I wait, with a quiet mind and open heart, for the touch of the divine.

Hanged man’s eyes close.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: Justice

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Justice: Without me, your life would be chaos. Nothing would balance. Cause would have no predictable effect. No action would have a logical and predictable reaction. Your life would be meaningless because everything you did would have no discernible meaning.

From your limited point of view, this isn’t always obvious, but rest assured that I am the force that resides not only at the center of the major arcana, but also at the center of the Multiverse. If you don’t believe me, look at your life. Every good thing and every bad thing in your life is a fair and just result of a choice you made. This is my law—it’s called karma. Sometimes it’s instant and sometimes it takes lifetimes.

I challenge you to look at your life honestly:

If everything is going smoothly and you are happy, congratulations! You have made some good decisions, either in this life or one before.

If there are problems, look back along the chain of events that led to them until you find the decision or decisions that caused them. This knowledge should give you an idea of how to fix the problem.

If you find that you are having the same type of problem over and over again because you are making the same faulty decisions over and over again, congratulations! You have identified a theme in your life, one of the problems that you are here to fix so you can move on to something better.

If, no matter how hard you try, you can find no reason for your misfortunes, then you are paying for a mistake you made in a past life. It may be obvious from your misfortunes what that mistake was, but even if it isn’t, you will be presented with opportunities to correct it in this life. Identifying these events and working them out to their best conclusion will help correct your past life mistake.

Justice just is.

It is my hand that turns The Wheel.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Wheel of Fortune

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The Wheel turns slowly to the music of  “O Fortuna” from The Carmina Burana.

I am the wheel, the cycles within cycles within cycles within cycles that bring birth, death, and rebirth to every being, event, and eon of the Multiverse.

I am the cycle of the revolving Earth which brings day then night then day, The cycle of the Moon from dark to full and back to dark. The cycle of the earth around the Sun from spring to summer to fall to winter and back to spring.

These cycles control and limit your world, and you ignore them at your own peril. But I have countless other not so obvious turns. Study and intuition will reveal some of them and allow you to use them to your advantage, but many will remain mysteries, beyond your knowledge and control.

These hidden cycles twist and turn within the others and bring you both good fortune and bad.

I am the Wheel.

I make you and break you and make you again.

There is no escape.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Hermit

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Hermit: Ah, more seekers. And I suppose you’re seeking enlightenment too? (holds lantern so he/she can get a better look at the group. Hopefully they will answer in the affirmative.)

Hermit: (nods sagely) Thought so. That’s what everyone seems to be looking for once they start looking. But the thing everyone usually ignores is that to find enlightenment, you must first enlighten yourself. (holds lantern in front of his/her face) Use that light to take a good, honest look at yourself. And if you are truly honest you will find that your body, mind, and spirit need work—usually quite a bit of work.

To begin working with the spiritual realms,  you must first work on the physical realm. Turn your body and your home into a fitting temple for spirit. Find a discipline that will strengthen your body and sharpen your reflexes and practice, practice, practice.

Feed your mind with study. If you are seeking enlightenment from the Multiverse, you must understand the Multiverse; and brighter minds than yours have been working to understand it at all levels for millennia. Study what they have to say. What do you know about how your body works? The cycles that make up the seasons, years, and eons? Religion? Philosophy? Quantum physics?

Once your mind and body are healthy and strong, feed your spirit with meditation and ritual.

All this involves being alone.

So go away and leave me alone. (shoos the group away—can be good natured or curmudgeonly—Hermit’s choice)

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: Strength

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As the seekers walk down the Path to Higher Knowledge on the second day they notice signs that say “Beware”, “I’d turn back if I were you.”, and at last “Too late!” With a roar a terrible monster jumps out at them.

Strength: I am the beast that lurks deep inside each and every one of you. I am all the anger, lust, and fear that churns and burns just out of the reach of your conscious mind, but just close enough so you know I’m there. Poke me and I lunge out and wreak havoc. I may just embarrass you, or I may ruin your life. If you try to suppress me I’ll torture your body with disease and your mind with terrible visions, phobias, and delusions.

I’m definitely not loveable, and I’m the last thing you’d want to take out to dinner. But the only way to tame me is to have the courage and strength to love me and let me out to play once in awhile—in a very safe place, of course.

If you persist and don’t give up on me.

If you’re willing to risk your sanity and way of life.

Then you may discover that I am one of your greatest strengths.

Think about it.

I can be your worst enemy or your best friend.

(jumps back into the shrubbery)

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Chariot

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Charioteer: Yeah, I know. It looks pretty bad. There’s no way to steer this bike (points to handle bars) or make it move (holds up wheel) But actually, it’s not as bad as it looks. I have almost everything I need to make this bike work beautifully.

And you have almost everything you need to make your life work beautifully—if you’ve been paying attention and learned the lessons of the first six major arcana.

Have you figured out your sexual identity and how to function in the sexually charged social structure of your culture?

Do you have a relationship with spirit that feeds your soul?

Have learned a marketable skill from a good teacher?

And have you learned that when you are making a decision, sometimes logic isn’t all you need? Sometimes you need to trust your heart and follow those wild, inexplicable hunches.

If so, you’re all set—except for one thing. And if you aren’t able to do this one thing you will fail. You must hunker down, put on your big kid biker panties, and actually use all those skills to make your life work. You must have focus and staying power because it’s a tough job.

See you around. I have a bike to fix and you have a journey to finish.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Lovers

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A Man and a Woman stand at two intersecting paths.

Woman: (addressing the seekers) We’re trying to decide if we should get married.

Man: She doesn’t think I really love her even though I tell her all the time.

Woman: Yes, you keep telling me that, but it doesn’t feel like you love me as much as I love you.

Man: So what can I do to convince you I love you?

Woman: If I told you and you did it, then I still wouldn’t know if you really loved me or if you were just doing it because I told you to.

Man: You see, it’s impossible! (Turns back to woman, who is now looking up) I love you, I love you, I love you! I give you roses, I take you out to nice restaurants. What else can I do? We are totally compatible. We, both like camping and hiking and murder mysteries and Thai food. We both have good jobs and can support ourselves. I think we should get married.

Woman: (Still looking up) Yes, my love, but I have this feeling and I’m not sure what it’s telling me, but it’s something important. I just know it. I need to figure it out before I decide. (Looks directly at the seekers) Have any of you ever felt like the universe or the gods or someone up there (points up) was trying to tell you something you really needed to know and you sort of can tell what it is; but when you put words or sense to it, it feels like you’re making it up and it’s not what they meant at all?

Well, that’s how I feel.

Man: (Addressing the seekers) So we’re stuck. I think we’re going to have to wait till she gets done processing. But you’re on a Journey and you can’t wait.  I think you need to go that way. (points down the path leading to The Chariot)

Woman: Yes, that feels right.

Man rolls his eyes, puts his arm around the woman and they walk off down the other path.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Hierophant

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Blessings, my children. We are well met, for I am the head of a religion of great spiritual power and have been carefully trained in its secrets. Because of this, I am able to hear and understand the intent of the divine and can guide you safely and surely toward the enlightenment you seek. Follow me and I will teach you what you need to do and say and believe to have peace of mind on earth and salvation after death.

And you won’t have to walk your path alone and unsupported. My religion has stood the test of time and has many followers who will help you and teach you all that you need to know.

You may also think of me as any advisor, a teacher, a guide. Anyone who has the information you need to improve and further your spiritual, family, social, or professional life.

Take a moment and think of all the advisors, teachers, and guides you have trusted and allowed into your life. Did they deliver the information they promised you? Was it useful? Did it change your life? Was the price of their advice worth it? Were there strings attached?

Go with God, my children. And remember, there is always a place for you here.

The Fool’s Journey Through the Major Arcana: SunFest: The Emperor

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Emperor: Yeah, you got it. I am the Emperor, Big Daddy. I am big government, big business, the military, and science and industry. All the things you love to hate. But let’s think this through.

Who keeps your streets safe? And who builds and maintains those streets?

I do.

Who runs your beloved internet and makes sure you can buy anything you want on it?

I do.

Who makes sure you have all water, electricity, and gas you want?

I do.

And when you’re sick and need all kinds of fancy medical equipment, who do you run to?


And when your life and liberty are threatened by invasion, crime, or lawlessness, who defends you?


Big Daddy.

I am power personified.

I am every Emperor, King, Prince, Father and man who has ever walked the Earth.

When I’m good, I’m very very good, and when I’m bad I’m your worst nightmare.

Does your daddy love you and treat you right? Your grandfather?  Your husband? Your brother? Your male lovers? Your relationship with them directly affects how you manifest your power in the world and how you get what you want.

(Pause to let this sink in.)

Think about it. Be honest with yourself. And if you don’t like the answer, figure out how you can fix it.

Now, get going—you’re on an adventure, remember?

The Fool’s Journey Through the Major Arcana: SunFest: The Empress

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Empress: Hello, my children. And yes, you are the children of my body, for I am the Earth. The rivers, lakes, and oceans are my blood. The mountains are my bones and the rolling hills are my breasts, belly, and bottom. The wind is my breath. The fiery passion of the volcano and the raging storm reveal my awesome power. From me all things are born and unto me all things return.

And I am all the goddesses, and all the queens, and all the mothers, and all the women who have ever walked the earth.

I am fertility and abundance.

And I am famine.

I am love and comfort.

And I am hunger and isolation.

I challenge you to examine your relationships with your mother and grandmother, your sisters, your feminine lovers, and your wives; because they intimately affect how you attract and manifest abundance, and how you love, nurture, and find comfort in yourself and others.

My divine love and blessings to you, my dears.

Safe journeys.