Happy dance.
Yes Yes Yes. Air punches.
My baby is finally out in paperback.
The cover was what was holding things up. Two months ago the first proof came back and the cover was too dark. The beautiful teal blue at the base was a murky blue grey. After two weeks and another round of proofs, CreateSpace’s phone consultants finally were kind enough to tell me that CreateSpace can’t/won’t make changes to my pdf file. I needed to make the changes. This is an important piece of info for anyone uploading their book to CreateSpace. They do not want responsibility for changing your files. All CreateSpace does, and all you are paying them to do, is create a book from the file that you give them.
So I emailed my illustrator, Ture Ekroos, and asked if there was anything she could do. There was and she did it and sent the new file to my graphic designer, who built up the cover from the new illustration. When it was ready, I uploaded it to CreateSpace, but forgot to check it in the digital proofer before I ordered a hardcopy proof. Big mistake. Always check the digital proof. In this case it wasn’t right. It would have saved me time if I’d caught it then.
The color was much better in the new proof, but there was a curious stair-stepping effect over Molly’s legs at the base of the cover and the whole thing was misaligned.

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
My graphic designer got the error corrected. From what CreateSpace told me, they actually went in themselves and corrected a sizing error. I’m still not sure what really happened, but I ordered another proof.
And Voila! It looked great.
And now, FORGING THE BLADE is ready for you to read in paperback!
I hope you enjoy it!
Oh–and reviews on Amazon would be most appreciated. 😉
3 thoughts on “FORGING THE BLADE is now available in paperback from Amazon!”
A million, zillion, gazillion, bazillion congrats to you. We just ordered the book. Can’t wait to start reading!
I’ll be in touch later through email. What a way to start the New Year!
Gorgeous cover!
Thank you!
I’m really pleased with it.
Ture Ekroos is an excellent illustrator.