Stop and attend.
Seekers stop in front of two pillars, one black and one white.
You have come far on your journey, but you will go no farther until you learn to let go of the physical world and enter the realm of The Moon. If you have truly learned the lessons of the first 17 cards, this will be a safe and fairly easy passage.
This realm has many names: Psychiatrists call it the Right Brain, the Unconscious; The Golden Dawn calls it The Astral Plane; Qabalists call it Yesod; Australian Aborigines call it Dream Time; Carl Jung called it The Cosmic Unconscious; Peter Pan called it Never Never Land; and your soul calls it Home.

All inspiration, magic, and divination, begin here. It is where you need to go to talk to a god, or an angel, or an ascended master. It is a place of amazing beauty and joy, and it is a place of great danger. Your darkest dreams and deepest fears exist here. It is a place of glamour, illusion, and mystery.
Nothing in the material world exists that didn’t first exist in this realm.
It is the place you never left.
Proceed. If you dare.