Major arcanaTarotThe Hero's Journey

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel turns slowly to the music of  “O Fortuna” from The Carmina Burana.

I am the wheel, the cycles within cycles within cycles within cycles that bring birth, death, and rebirth to every being, event, and eon of the Multiverse.

I am the cycle of the revolving Earth which brings day then night then day, The cycle of the Moon from dark to full and back to dark. The cycle of the earth around the Sun from spring to summer to fall to winter and back to spring.

These cycles control and limit your world, and you ignore them at your own peril. But I have countless other not so obvious turns. Study and intuition will reveal some of them and allow you to use them to your advantage, but many will remain mysteries, beyond your knowledge and control.

These hidden cycles twist and turn within the others and bring you both good fortune and bad.

I am the Wheel.

I make you and break you and make you again.

There is no escape.

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