What if Demons aren’t just the product of overactive minds?

What if they aren’t just grumblings and backlash from the unconscious?
What if they aren’t just another name for our psychological challenges?
What if they are actual, malevolent beings from another dimension, Hell-bent on possessing our bodies and souls and using them for their own evil pleasures?
“Impossible!” you say. And most folks would agree with you.
Except for the millions of people who, over the course of thousands of years, have claimed to have seen them or experienced their presence.
And the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Sumerians, and Greeks; and some modern Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, and many Magicians would also disagree with you.

The Catholic Church trains some of her priests as exorcists, and they have been ridding people of demons for centuries. In fact, according to a December, 2018 article in The Atlantic, “Priests are fielding more requests than ever for help with demonic possession, and a centuries-old practice is finding new footing in the modern world.”
King Solomon, noted for his wisdom, was said to possess a magic ring, the Seal of Solomon, that allowed him to control demons.
“So, fine,” you say. “If, by some chance, demons are real, How come we’re not all spazzing out, and speaking in tongues, and doing horrible things?”

This kind of behavior only seems to happen when the host tries to get rid of the demon, otherwise it lays low. So, in theory, your best friend and half your co-workers could be possessed and you’d never notice. Which, if you think about it, is exactly what a demon would want.
But most sources say that if you have a strong, comfortable relationship with your body and what we perceive as “reality,” you are virtually demon-proof.
Unless you invite them in.
Priests who do exorcisms say that 80% of the possessed have suffered sexual abuse.* One reason for this may be that victims of abuse often dissociate from their bodies, leaving them open to possession. Another significant portion of the possessed have dabbled in occultism.* Occult practices often involve this same sort of dissociation, and if no safe-guards are in place, this also leaves the body open to possession.

My new book, Hell’s Gate, which will be out soon, has demons scattered all through it. When I began writing it, I realized that I knew very little about them. And so, several years ago, I began researching demons. I suspected that anything I could make up wouldn’t be nearly as fantastic or hair-raising as the real accounts. And I was correct. It took every bit of writing skill I had to portray how powerful and terrifying they are supposed to be.
So if you ever hear little voices in your head asking you to let them in: Don’t!
more requests than ever for help wit
*The Atlantic, December 2018, “American Exorcism”, Mike Mariani.
4 thoughts on “What If Demons Are Real?”
Looking forward to completing my set of your trilogy.
I have a fourth book partially plotted, but it will be a long while before it comes out.
I doubted the existence of demons until I read “The Exorcist.” Then I begin to wonder. At the moment, I’m not sure. Psychics and empaths probably have more to worry about (if demons exist) because we are more open to things others cannot see nor hear. I don’t touch any form of conjure that invites demons, even haints, into my world. I’m like the skeptic who puts a horseshoe over the door “just in case.”
God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul.
Ernest Renan
A sound strategy!